Friendship is Beauty, Beauty is Glossier

International Campaign

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Glossier Persona

Face of Glossier

Vanessa Hudgens

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Glossier includes personal notes, fun collateral, and a reusable makeup bag with every purchase.  

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Our Customers: USA, South Korea, United Kingdom

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Kate: USA, "I love going to the beach and trying new skincare."
-Studying to be a nurse, going to esthetician school as a side hobby.
Yeong: South Korea, "I love being an inspiration to the younger 
-Young mom of 5 year old daughter, high school teacher.
Matty: "I love making music and being creative."
-Works at a grocery store, in a band with friends on the side.  

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Market Countries

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Glossier is already launched in the USA with a large base of Generation Z and young millennial consumers.  In the U.S., these consumers are changing the way people shop for cosmetics.  More and more consumers are shopping online brands, as there is a 42.7% growth in independent beauty.  

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Glossier is not yet in South Korea, and the majority of the brands here are about skin care.  We wanted to introduce Glossier because it is a good transition into more natural color cosmetics.  It also targets a different demographic than most of the other skincare brands in South Korea.  The skin care market is expected to grow here 2.9% annually through 2023. 

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Glossier is already launched in the U.K., targeting a large Generation Z and young millennial consumer base.  Unlike their competitors, they have a more youthful feel and have a larger presents across social media platforms.  The U.K. is an elite, premium market driven by young female professions and their male metrosexual counterparts. 




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Our campaign video will include influencers of all types – lifestyle, health, wellness, beauty, etc.  coming together playing with beauty and skincare products.  For each country we will be incorporating influencers that are relevant to each specific market.  They will be asked what friendship means to them in a brief interview while playing with products, and finish off with our tagline: 




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Social Media Campaign

Our social media campaign features these influencers in a real life skin lab.  It will be an Instagrammable experience with meet and greets as well as Q&A’s.  The influencers, again, will be specific to each country, and the dynamics of the event such as the games, food, etc. will be country-specific.  Our expectation is that this will bring influencers together with their audience, providing a friendly community within Glossier.  Our influencers will also be posting on Instagram and YouTube in each country, as these are two of the top platforms of each.  Below is a slideshow of post examples from our influencers:

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Spatial Campaign

Goal: Promote the idea of friendship while brightening someone’s day.  While spreading brand awareness, we will be placing “tickets” on people’s cars with the message to pass it on.  


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Each website homepage curates to each specific market through a photo of a specific influencer used in the campaigns.  We also included the image of “This is NOT a Ticket” to grab site visitor’s attention and have them wanting to learn more.  Each photo expresses friendship, beauty, and happiness. 


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Friendship is Beauty, Beauty is Glossier.

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