Technology & Timing in Creative Design

Featuring Alexa: The Future of AI


Image result for AI


The first case I dove into this week was Featuring Alexa.  A music group in London, Too Many T’s, who is recognized for their creative videos wanted to take song features to the next level.  They created “Featuring Alexa,” which literally features Amazon’s Alexa rather than another artist. I thought this was really cool because of all of the different industries we are seeing Artificial Intelligence now.  You can watch the video here to check it out for yourself.  Relating this into the beauty industry, we have been seeing a ton of A.I. and A.R., so I think to incorporate this technology trend into music, too was interesting.  Nowadays, aside from digital voices, we are even seeing digital influencers. It seems as though technology is setting all of the trends whether it’s in music, design, or even beauty.  


Professor Shu-Chang Kung


Image result for Professor Shu-Chang Kung


The profile I dove into this week was Professor Shu-Chang Kung from Taiwan.  I thought his interview answers were very interesting, especially when he mentioned AI.  When asked which developments will influence the design of fair stands in the future, Kung stated, “I think the use of advanced self-learning AI and media technologies designed to stimulate emotions and touch us, will be the biggest challenges of the future.”  From him saying this, I believe everyone knows that AI really is our future and it will be challenging to adjust. One day, I believe that everyone in the workforce will have to change the way they do things with A.I. on the rise. Not only will we see it in the creative industry, but we will also be seeing more of it in medicine and even finance.  


Timing in Campaigns


Image result for mission health zombie hunt


Additionally, Kung stated that a good spatial communication design should bring together many different aspects, such as branding, media, etc.  This leads into the next case study that I thought was very interesting this week. This was where a health insurance company was looking for a way to spread awareness of health issues and decided to use a fictional interactive story with zombies hunting healthy people and website visitors had to help them virtually escape.  I think this was a great marketing tactic and really brought together those different aspects like Professor Kung had mentioned. This campaign did a great job of tying in the media as it happened right before Halloween, which I thought was a great idea. Overall, I thought this campaign was strategically put together. This was not a campaign that would be great for Christmas time, for example. That being said, it is crazy how just the timing of something, or something as miniscule as timing can make something either super successful or not.


I am curious to hear what you all think about the future of A.I. in different industries.  Let me know your thoughts on it, as well as if you agree that design is successful when pulled together with many different aspects in mind.  


  1. I think it’s super interesting that a health insurance company incorporated an interactive zombie campaign to educate consumers. It’s also brilliant they did it right before Halloween so that it could make sense and get more recognition. Like you mentioned, this concept wouldn’t really work if it came out around Christmas or any other time of the year.


  2. Wow the ‘featuring Alexa’ case study was so interesting! I wonder what that would be like to have Alexa featured in a song rather than a real artist.


  3. I think its awesome that other companies are starting to incorporate Alexa in with different cool strategies. I had no idea this was being used in a collaborative effort.


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